


- 2021 -
Multiplayer | Mobile | In situ

A multiplayer interactive experience up to 50 players. Using their phone as a controller to interact and play with each other on a shared screen, players work in teams to reveal a hidden background image.

Made with Le Chant du cygne.





- 2016 -
Alternative Controller | First Person | Exploration

A first person exploration game played with a custom headset that enables players to change the color filter through which they look at the screen.

Made with Le Chant du cygne.


Mapping the Iceberg

Mapping the Iceberg

Mapping the Iceberg

- 2014 -
Geolocation | Audio | In situ

An art installation designed by Marie Muller during her residency at Locus Sonus. My main task was to assist Marie by building the various elements needed for the installation to work as intended:

  • A system for tracking the position of a person moving in a room.
  • A mobile app for tracking the orientation of the person's head.
  • A 3D virtual scene to process all incoming data and play the according sounds.


Boulevard Descat

Boulevard Descat

Boulevard Descat

- 2014 -
Arduino | Music | In situ

A playful installation fixed with cement in a wall of the Boulevard Constantin Descat in Tourcoing in France. It allows anyone with a 9 volts battery to record a melody if, and only if, that person is capable of playing the previous recorded melody.

Made with Gaël, Romain, Joon and Damien.

Botanicum Processore

Botanicum Processore

Botanicum Processore

- 2014 -
Audio | Geolocation | In situ

A transmedia experiment in which players have to build a garden on a computer and then can listen to it with their mobile phones in the square garden Émile Chautemps in Paris.

Made with Marie and Romain.


Botanicum Processore

Ne Quittez Pas

Ne Quittez Pas

Ne Quittez Pas

- 2015 -
Audio | Exploration | Mobile

An absurd audio only experiment.

Made with Gaël, Romain, Ibrahim, Elizabeth and Pierre.






- 2023 -
Exploration | Alternative controls | Procedural generation

An exploration game, a walking and running simulation as well as a racing game all set in a vast generated forest.





- 2018 -
Exploration | Serious Game | Space

A serious game developed for the Cnam in Paris to teach catalysis in several masters in France and in Spain.

Made with Le Chant du cygne.





- 2018 -
Minimalist | Mobile | Gravity simulation

A slow paced action game about playing with orbital mechanics.


The Landscape Processor

The Landscape Processor

The Landscape Processor

- 2015 -
Exploration | Sandbox | Landscape

An extended version of a Ludum Dare game that ended up in the official selection of the 2015 NotGames Fest.

Appeared on Warp Door.


Les Migeons

Les Migeons

Les Migeons

- 2015 -
Sandbox | Exploration | Genetic Algorithm

An experiment that makes use of a genetic algorithm supposed to be autonomous and iterate a great number of time to allow for a quick evolution process through reproduction and mutation. Here, we gave the selection process to players so that they could choose which Migeon should pass its genes on. The genes here are simply build orders.

Made with Guillaume and Stéphanie.

Appeared on Indie Impressions, Warp Door, L'Oujevipo.





- 2011 -
Competitive | Multiplayer | Tactical

Probably my first game ever made as a developer. A two-player tactical game featuring quick but intense matches.

Made with Guillaume.



The Rose Processor

The Rose Processor

The Rose Processor

- 2014 -
Multitasking | Flow | Abstract

An experiment made for Ludum Dare using a total of four creative constraints: only triangles, indirect control, a levelling system and the whole game on a single screen. It is a very intense multitasking game. It allows certain strategies like grouping the red triangles or coupling each red triangle with an empty one.

Appeared on L'Oujevipo.


The Rose Processor




- 2011 -
Journalism | MMOG | RSS

A massively multi-player Facebook game that never got finished. Players are chief editors and manage actual news from actual sources retrieved from RSS feeds.

Student project made with Romain, Marie, Simon, Mathilde and Sylvain for the Hits Playtime contest 2011.





- 2011 -
Puzzle | First person | Time manipulation

A first person spacetime manipulation game.

Awarded with the e-Magiciens/SACD price during the e-Magiciens Festival 2011.

Review of the game and an interview of the team, made by Jordan Rivas.

Student project made at ENJMIN with Rémi Chapelain, Jean-François Ducreux, Kevin Faure, Pierre-Antoine Favre, Colin Galletto and Franck Langlet.


Wave Me

Wave Me

Wave Me

- 2011 -
Alternative control | Flow | Soundwave

A slow paced action video game where the player controls a sound wave.

Student project made at ENJMIN with Alban Chagnoleau, Germain Mazac, Benjamin Michenaud and Simon Rolland.



Designer and programmer

After studying Computer Science and finding a job as a software engineer I entered ENJMIN in Angoulême to study Game Design. I then worked on a few video games as a game designer before starting a PhD.

Since then I've delved into 3D programming, alternative controllers, creative coding and procedural art, co-founded the game collective Le Chant du cygne and created many videogames and interactive installations.

PhD and lecturer

As a PhD candidate at Cnam/CEDRIC in Paris I focused on the specific narrative form of emergent games that make extensive use of procedurally generated content. I published a few articles about it.

Since 2011, I have taught game design, gameplay development, 3D programming classes and held workshops on alternative controllers, shaders, lighting and other game related topics in many schools, such as Cnam ENJMIN, Estienne, University Paris XIII or ICAN.


  • BostonFIG - Éclaircies. Online (USA). May, 2023.
  • Before Games - Mosaïque. Strasbourg (France). June 7th, 2023.
  • Playtime Festival - Mosaïque. Bruges (Belgium). September 16th-18th, 2022.
  • JEF Festival - Mosaïque. Antwerp (Belgium). February 19th - March 6th, 2022.
  • Ludicious - Zürich Game Festival - Éclaircies. Online (Switzerland). July 1st-3rd, 2020.
  • Stunfest - Palimpseste. Rennes (France). May 18th-20th, 2018.
  • Random Bazar - Palimpseste. Paris (France). December 10th-11th, 2016.
  • Incubate Arcade - Palimpseste. Tilburg (Netherlands). September 8th-11th, 2016.
  • Ludipunk Fest - Palimpseste. Montreuil (France). May 21st-22nd, 2016.
  • Now Play This - Palimpseste. London (United Kingdom). April 1st-3rd, 2016.
  • Alt.ctrl.GDC - Palimpseste. San Francisco (CA, USA). March 16th-18th, 2016.
  • Screenshake Festival - Palimpseste. Antwerp (Belgium). February 19th-21st, 2016.
  • Zoo Machines Festival - Palimpseste. Tourcoing (France). November 8th, 2015.
  • Take The Blows' party - Palimpseste. Badaboom, Paris (France). June 5th, 2015.
  • Notgames Fest - The Landscape Processor. Cologne Game Lab, Köln (Germany). August 2nd-8th, 2015.
  • Transmedia Jam - Botanicum Processore. Gaîté lyrique, Paris (France). October 1st, 2014.